Five People Dead

March 10, 2005 |

It is truely tragic and disturbing that five people have just recently been slaughtered by gunfire. More disturbing is the quickness with which the usual suspects have jumped out with their political agendas at the ready to use these peoples' deaths as fodder for their own personal bullshit.

Suspect One: McLellan

Approximately eight seconds after the blood stopped running under the body armour of the four RCMP killed by car theif and marijuana grower Jim Roszko (who also offed himself), McLellan was already organising press conferences to peddle her ridiculously misguided "law and order" crap about stiffer penalties (no pun intended, I'm sure) and mandatory minimums for the evil scourge that is plant-growing. (Ignoring, of course, the fact that the RCMP were going after stolen car-parts, not drugs.) Blantantly using such a needless and useless loss of life for political purposes is rather bile-inducing to say the least. Even the New York Times jumped in.

Suspect Two: King Ralph

Of course, our own more-local jack-booted high-stepper (to quote a friend) didn't take long to shake off the hangover and stumble out his own tired political agenda: the Evil Gun Registry. He quickly tied the tragedy to — of all things — the federal gun registry. I wish I were kidding.


"This fellow Roszko had a weapon," Klein said Wednesday when reporters asked him about the gun registry. "Whether it was registered or not, it didn't prevent him from using it in an illegal and tragic manner."

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