Errol Morris

[ politics, ]
May 10, 2006

Great interview/conversation between Errol Morris (the best documentarian ever; think Fast, Cheap and Out Of Control, The Fog of War, etc) and Adam Curtis, another documentary filmmaker (whom I've never heard of before). Great stuff.

Errol Morris

The balanced viewpoint. I've heard so many arguments about it. The Fog of War doesn't provide a new generation — a generation born after the 60s and 70s — with a context. It doesnt tell us what to think.

Adam Curtis

I'm very suspicious of this idea of a balanced version of history, All history is a construction often by the powerful.

AC: To be honest, the neoconservatives are their own worst enemy. Theyve created something out of their own fevered imagination, which was borne out of the Cold War. That's one of the great unexamined areas how recently the Cold War ended and how so many of our institutions and our mindset and everything is still trapped in that. And that's also true of a lot of journalists who areI mean, Im not so sure in America, but in my country, a lot of the senior journalists had a very good Cold War and still have that mentality as well. They hang on to it. You know, that's why they kept on thinking there were hidden things out there in Iraq. I dont think they made it up, I think they genuinely believed it in Iraq. Because that's what the Soviets were like. They hid these things.

EM: Its far more frightening than the idea that they were knowingly peddling lies. The more frightening version is they truly believed in all of it.

AC: I think that's true. And it was after that sort of self-created fantasy that they could then go to war. I mean, that's weird, isnt it?