Greens still excluded from debates

September 09, 2008

In 2006, the CBC's excuse for not include the Greens in national debates was that they didn't have a seat. Lacking that excuse this year (the Greens have one seat currently), they simply said "no" -- citing treats to boycott the debate from the Conservatives and NDP (yeah, right: like they wouldn't participate in a leaders' debate!)

Canada's broadcasters will not allow Green Leader Elizabeth May to participate in the leaders debates during the federal election campaign, the networks announced Monday afternoon.

The consortium of networks, which includes the CBC, said three of Canada's parties were opposed to May's inclusion, but did not give more details.

Those of you deluded enough to still call Canada a "Democracy(tm)" should try making a list of what features you think a democracy has and we'll see if Canada has those (you know, like peaceable assembly, free speech, freedom of association, those sorts of things which we don't enjoy).

NDP supporters: please ask your leader why he doesn't want a real debate (by threatening boycott of a party with more [current poll] support than him were to get into the debate).

Shockingly, Macleans actually has a good article on this.

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