Katrina response: Federal power-struggle to seize New Orleans?!

September 07, 2005 (Updated: 8 Sep 2005 15:00:34 )

Update: does this relate in any way to REX 84? [Also WikiPedia, rotten.com, CounterPunch, PublicEye]

A conspircy-theory-sounding article claiming that some of the facts surrounding the apparent total lack of aid (and worse) in New Orleans is a power-struggle between the Federal and State governments over New Orleans itself (and the rebuilding contracts, ultimately).

Doesn't sound that plausible, except that the Washington Post reports that the Bush administration issued an ultimatum to Louisiana: give us control, or we won't give you any aid (``Behind the scenes, a power struggle emerged, as federal officials tried to wrest authority from Louisiana Gov. Kathleen Babineaux Blanco (D). Shortly before midnight Friday, the Bush administration sent her a proposed legal memorandum asking her to request a federal takeover of the evacuation of New Orleans'').