
November 01, 2000 |

This topic covers copyright and patent issues.

keyword: ``copyright''

keyword: ``patent''

Regular Expression Nodes

regex: .*[Cc]opyright.*

link/Canadian DMCA lobbying: what's good public policy, again?

October 14, 2009 :: You're probably not aware that the Canadian government is currently trying to make our copyright system far more broken than the American's (which is about as horrific as you get right now...


April 23, 2001 :: This topic covers some of the issues and background information about the in-progress meetings surrounding the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). This agreement looks to be just as misnamed...

regex: .*[Pp]atent.*


May 09, 2003 :: People sometimes ask me what software I use. Okay, usually this is phrased more like, ``what the fuck is this shit?! How do I change the music?! Control Tee whatwasthat?'' (One should...


April 23, 2001 :: This topic covers some of the issues and background information about the in-progress meetings surrounding the Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA). This agreement looks to be just as misnamed...

regex: .*[Ii]ntellectual [Pp]roperty.*